DICOM to BIDs Conversion


clpipe’s convert2bids commands facilitates the conversion of DICOM files into BIDS format, using either dcm2bids or heudiconv as your underlying converter.



class clpipe.config.options.Convert2BIDSOptions

Options for converting DICOM files to BIDS format.

dicom_directory: str = ''

Path to your source DICOM directory to be converted.

bids_directory: str = ''

Output directory where your BIDS data will be saved.

conversion_config: str = ''

The path to your conversion configuration file - either a conversion_config.json file for dcm2bids, or heuristic.py for heudiconv.

dicom_format_string: str = ''

Used to tell clpipe where to find subject and session level folders in you DICOM directory.

The DICOM format string

One important thing to note about using the main command is the need for a specifically formatted dicom_dir_format option. This is to appropriately map your dicom directories to subject/sessions. All subject session folders should be named the same way. A dicom_dir_format must contain at least {session} and can contain a {subject} formatting option. Two examples of a dicom_dir_format option are {subject}_{session}/, which corresponds to the following structure:


Alternatively, you can use {subject}/{session}/


You can include other text in the formatting option, so that the program ignores that text. For example, Subject-{subject}/ used on a dataset with Subject-01 as a folder will determine the subject id to be 01 not Subject-01. Note that in all examples, there is a trailing forward slash.

dcm2bids configuration

dcm2bids is a JSON-driven tool for converting DICOM files. While not as flexible as heudiconv, dcm2bids is easier to learn and has a conversion configuration that is simpler to setup and modify for users less familiar with programming.

This documentation contains a tutorial for setting up a dcm2bids conversion on the Tutorials/BIDS Conversion page. You can also refer to dcm2bids’ tutorial for futher help.

The Conversion Config File

dcm2bids is driven by a JSON configuration file. clpipe helps you out with this by generating a starter file for you when you use the project_setup command:

The starter demonstrates one anatomical and one functional image conversion configuration, as well one field map, which references the functional image.

The dcm2niix options are included to allow dcm2bids’ search depth to be expanded enough to work with Flywheel’s default file structure when syncing. You can ignore it, but it serves as a useful place to configure any other dcm2niix options you may need to specify. dcm2niix is the tool used by dcm2bids to perform DICOM to nifti conversion.


To obtain the information from the header, dcm2bids has a handy helper function:

usage: dcm2bids_helper [-h] -d DICOM_DIR [DICOM_DIR ...] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -d DICOM_DIR [DICOM_DIR ...], --dicom_dir DICOM_DIR [DICOM_DIR ...] DICOM files directory
    -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                    Output BIDS directory, Default: current directory

        Documentation at https://github.com/cbedetti/Dcm2Bids

This command will create convert an entire folder’s data, create a temporary directory containing all the converted files, and, more importantly, the sidecar JSONs. These JSONs contain the information needed to update the conversion configuration file.

heudiconv configuration

heudiconv is another tool for converting DICOM files to BIDS format. This tool is a bit trickier to use than dcm2bids, because its configuration is driven by a python file instead of json. However, it allows for more control over conversion than what dcm2bids can provide, allowing you to handle datasets with more variation or difficult edge cases.

See one of these various walkthroughs for instructions on setting up and using heudiconv.

clpipe does not currently provide a default heuristic file - run heudiconv on your dataset with the converter set to “None” to generate a .heuristic folder, and copy a heuristic file from one of the subject folders to the root of your clpipe directory. clpipe comes with heudionv installed as a Python library, so you should be able to use the heudiconv command directly on the command line if you’re in the same virtual environment where you installed clpipe.

To use heudiconv, provide a heuristic file as your conversion config file:

"DICOMToBIDSOptions": {
        "DICOMDirectory": "...<clpipe_project>/data_DICOMs",
        "BIDSDirectory": "...<clpipe_project>/clpipe/data_BIDS",
        "ConversionConfig": "...<clpipe_project>/heuristic.py",
        "DICOMFormatString": "{subject}",

And when running convert2bids, include the -heudiconv flag:

clpipe convert2bids -heudiconv -c config_file.json


clpipe convert2bids

Convert DICOM files to BIDS format.

Providing no SUBJECTS will default to all subjects. List subject IDs in SUBJECTS to process specific subjects:

> clpipe convert2bids 123 124 125 …

Available subject IDs are determined by the dicom_dir_format string.

clpipe convert2bids [OPTIONS] [SUBJECTS]...


-config_file, -c <config_file>

Required The path to your clpipe configuration file.

-conv_config_file <conv_config_file>

A conversion definition file, either a dcm2bids conversion config .json file or a heudiconv heuristic .py file.

-dicom_dir, -i <dicom_dir>

The folder where subject dicoms are located.

-dicom_dir_format <dicom_dir_format>

Format string which specifies how subjects/sessions are organized within the dicom_dir. Example: {subject}_{session}. See https://clpipe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bids_convert.html for more details.

-BIDS_dir, -o <bids_dir>

The dicom info output file name.


Overwrite existing BIDS data?

-log_dir <log_dir>

Where to put your HPC output files (such as SLURM output files).

-subject <subject>

DEPRECATED: specify one subject to process - can give an arbitrary number of subjects as arguments now.

-session <session>

Specify the session to convert. Available sessions determined by the {session} placeholder given by dicom_dir_format.


Convert all subjects/sessions into individual pseudo-subjects. Use if you do not want T1w averaged across sessions during FMRIprep

-submit, -s

Flag to submit commands to the HPC.

-debug, -d

Flag to enable detailed error messages and traceback.

-dcm2bids, -heudiconv

Specify which converter to use.



Optional argument(s)