Flywheel Sync


clpipe now provides an avenue for syncing DICOM data with a remote source through the clpipe flywheel_sync command.


First, the Flywheel CLI must be installed to make use of this command. For UNC-CH users, Flywheel should be automatically loaded as a module when the clpipe module is loaded. If you need to install Flywheel, you can find a link to the installer in your profile on the Flywheel web app.

You will also need to login to Flywheel via the Flywheel CLI to use this command. Navigate to the Flywheel web app. In the upper right, click on your profile drop down menu, select ‘profile’. Scroll down and copy the command under ‘Getting Started With the CLI.’ It should look like: login <FLYWHEEL URL>::<TOKEN>. Run this command to login.

Using with convert2bids

Flywheel creates a DICOM folder structure that is too deep for the default depth setting of dcm2niix, which both dcm2bids and heudiconv use to discover DICOM files in your source directory. However, dcm2niix can be configured to search deeper with the -d option:

dcm2bids (clpipe default)

dcm2bids provides a method of passing options through to dcm2niix by adding a dcm2niixOptions item to your conversion conversion_config.json file, like this:

"dcm2niixOptions": "-b y -ba y -z y -f '%3s_%f_%p_%t' -d 9",
"descriptions": [
                "dataType": "anat",
                "modalityLabel": "T1w",
                "criteria": {
                        "SeriesDescription": "ADNI3_t1_mprag_sag_p2_iso"
                "criteria": {
                        "SeriesDescription": "RIDL1"

You must include all options shown, because this argument overwrites the dcm2niixOptions, as opposed to just appending to them.

The options above add the -d 9 option, setting dcm2niix’s search depth to the maximum value.


By default, heudiconv sets the search depth of dcm2niix high enough to find DICOM files within Flywheel’s output structure, so no changes are required if you use this converter.

Additional Notes

This command creates its own log folder at <project>/logs/sync_logs

One quirk of Flywheel’s sync command is that it creates a strangely named temporary directory at the currently working directory, which is empty after the sync is finished. clpipe removes this folder automatically.


Configuration Block

"SourceOptions": {
        "SourceURL": "fw://<LAB>/<STUDY>/",
        "DropoffDirectory": "/path/to/your/dicom_folder",
        "TempDirectory": "/path/to/a/temp_folder",
        "CommandLineOpts": "-y",
        "TimeUsage": "1:0:0",
        "MemUsage": "10000",
        "CoreUsage": "1"


class clpipe.config.options.SourceOptions

Options for configuring sources of DICOM data.

source_url: str = 'fw://'

The URL to your source data - for Flywheel this should start with fw: and point to a project. You can use fw ls to browse your fw project space to find the right path.

dropoff_directory: str = ''

A destination for your synced data - usually this will be data_DICOMs

temp_directory: str = ''

A location for Flywheel to store its temporary files - necessary on shared compute, because Flywheel will use system level tmp space by default, which can cause issues.

commandline_opts: str = '-y'

Any additional options you may need to include - you can browse Flywheel syncs other options with fw sync -help


clpipe flywheel_sync

Sync your DICOM data with Flywheel.

You must first login to Flywheel with ‘fw login’ to sync. See the clpipe documentation on flywheel_sync for further help.

clpipe flywheel_sync [OPTIONS]


-config_file, -c <config_file>

The path to your clpipe configuration file.

-source_url <source_url>

The path to your project in Flywheel. Starts with fw://. You can browse your available projects with “fw ls”

-dropoff_dir <dropoff_dir>

Where to sync your files.

-submit, -s

Flag to submit commands to the HPC.

-debug, -d

Flag to enable detailed error messages and traceback.