Project Setup
clpipe contains a convenience command for setting up the directories and configuration files for a given neuroimaging project, in a way that makes it simple to change configuration option.
This command will create the necessary directory structures, as well as create a default configuration file with many directory fields already filled out. For example,
|-- analyses
|-- clpipe_config.json
|-- conversion_config.json
|-- data_BIDS
| |-- code
| |-- dataset_description.json
| |-- derivatives
| |-- participants.json
| |-- participants.tsv
| |-- README
| |-- sourcedata
|-- data_DICOMs -> /symlink/to/your/dicoms
|-- data_fmriprep
|-- data_postproc
| |-- betaseries_default
| |-- betaseries_noGSR
| |-- betaseries_noScrub
| |-- postproc_default
| |-- postproc_noGSR
| |-- postproc_noScrub
|-- data_ROI_ts
| |-- postproc_default
|-- logs
| |-- betaseries_logs
| |-- DCM2BIDS_logs
| |-- postproc_logs
| |-- ROI_extraction_logs
|-- scripts
clpipe project_setup
Initialize a clpipe project.
clpipe project_setup [OPTIONS]
- -project_title <project_title>
Choose a title for your project.
- -project_dir <project_dir>
Required Where the project will be located.
- -source_data <source_data>
Where the raw data (usually DICOMs) are located.
- -move_source_data
Move source data into project/data_DICOMs folder. USE WITH CAUTION.
- -symlink_source_data
Symlink the source data into project/data_dicoms. Usually safe to do.
- -profile <profile>
The batch profile you would like to use. Default is unc. The options include: “unc”, “duke”, “uva”, “pitt”
- -debug
Flag to enable detailed error messages and traceback.