BIDS ValidationΒΆ

clpipe contains a convenience function to validate your datasets directly on the HPC. This function uses a Singularity image of the BIDs Validator. The command to run the BIDs validator is

Usage: bids_validate [OPTIONS] [BIDS_DIR]

  Runs the BIDS-Validator program on a dataset. If a configuration file has
  a BIDSDirectory specified, you do not need to provide a BIDS directory in
  the command.

  -config_file FILE       Uses a given configuration file
  -verbose               Creates verbose validator output. Use if you want to
                         see ALL files with errors/warnings.
  -submit                Submit command to HPC.
  -interactive           Run in an interactive session. Only use in an
                         interactive compute session.
  -debug                 Produce detailed debug and traceback.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

bids_validate produces an output file titled Output-BIDSValidator.out at your current working directory that contains the output of the BIDS validator.