Postprocessing fMRI

When performing functional connectivity analysis, there are several additional processing steps that need to be taken after the minimal preprocessing of fMRIPrep. clpipe implements these steps in Python, and a fMRIprep preprocessed dataset can be postprocessed using the following command:

 Usage: fmri_postprocess [OPTIONS] [SUBJECTS]...

This command runs an fMRIprep'ed dataset through additional processing, as
defined in the configuration file. To run specific subjects, specify their
IDs. If no IDs are specified, all subjects are ran.

  -config_file PATH        Use a given configuration file. If left blank, uses
                           the default config file, requiring definition of
                           BIDS, working and output directories.
  -target_dir DIRECTORY    Which fmriprep directory to process. If a
                           configuration file is provided with a BIDS
                           directory, this argument is not necessary. Note,
                           must point to the ``fmriprep`` directory, not its
                           parent directory.
  -target_suffix TEXT      Which file suffix to use. If a configuration file
                           is provided with a target suffix, this argument is
                           not necessary. Defaults to "preproc_bold.nii.gz"
  -output_dir DIRECTORY    Where to put the postprocessed data. If a
                           configuration file is provided with a output
                           directory, this argument is not necessary.
  -output_suffix TEXT      What suffix to append to the postprocessed files.
                           If a configuration file is provided with a output
                           suffix, this argument is not necessary.
  -task TEXT               Which task to postprocess. If left blank, defaults
                           to all tasks.
  -TR TEXT                 The TR of the scans. If a cofig file is not
                           provided, this option is required. If a config file
                           is provided, this information is found from the
                           sidecar jsons.
  -processing_stream TEXT  Optional processing stream selector.
  -log_dir DIRECTORY       Where to put HPC output files. If not specified,
                           defaults to <outputDir>/batchOutput.
  -beta_series             Flag to activate beta-series correlation
                           correlation. ADVANCED METHOD, refer to the
  -submit                  Flag to submit commands to the HPC.
  -batch / -single         Submit to batch, or run in current session. Mainly
                           used internally.
  -debug                   Print detailed processing information and traceback
                           for errors.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

Processing Checker

clpipe has a convenient function for determining which scans successfully made it through both preprocessing using fMRIprep and postprocessing.

Usage: fmri_process_check [OPTIONS]

  This command checks a BIDS dataset, an fMRIprep'ed dataset and a
  postprocessed dataset, and creates a CSV file that lists all scans across
  all three datasets. Use to find which subjects/scans failed processing.

  -config_file FILE  The configuration file for the current data processing
                    setup.  [required]
  -output_file TEXT  Path and name of the output CSV. Defaults to config
                    file directory and "Checker-Output.csv"
  -debug            Print traceback and detailed processing messages.
  --help            Show this message and exit.

This command will create a csv file listing all scans found in the BIDS dataset, and corresponding scans in the fMRIprep dataset and the postprocessed dataset.

For a description of the various postprocessing steps, along with references, please see the following documentation:

  1. Nuisance Regression

  2. Frequency Filtering

  3. Scrubbing

  4. Spectral Interpolation


New to clpipe v1.5, the command fmri_postprocess2 combines the functionality of fmri_postprocess and glm_setup into a unified postprocessing stream.

Usage: fmri_postprocess2 [OPTIONS] [SUBJECTS]...

  -config_file FILE        Use a given configuration file.  [required]
  -fmriprep_dir DIRECTORY  Which fmriprep directory to process.  If a
                          configuration file is provided with a BIDS
                          directory, this argument is not necessary.  Note,
                          must point to the ``fmriprep`` directory, not its
                          parent directory.
  -output_dir DIRECTORY    Where to put the postprocessed data.  If a
                          configuration file is provided with a output
                          directory, this argument is not necessary.
  -processing_stream TEXT  Specify a processing stream to use defined in your
                          configuration file.
  -log_dir DIRECTORY       Path to the logging directory.
  -index_dir DIRECTORY     Give the path to an existing pybids index database.
  -refresh_index           Refresh the pybids index database to reflect new
                          fmriprep artifacts.
  -batch / -no-batch       Flag to create batch jobs without prompt.
  -submit                  Flag to submit commands to the HPC without prompt.
  -debug                   Print detailed processing information and traceback
                          for errors.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

This command allows for flexible creation of processing streams. The order of processing steps and their specific implementations can be modified in the configuration file. Any temporally-relevant processing steps can also be applied to each image’s corresponding confounds file. fmri_postprocess2 caches its processing intermediaries in a working directory, which allows quick re-runs of pipelines with new parameters.

This command will also output a detailed processing graph for each processing stream.

Available processing steps:

  • Temporal Filtering

  • Intensity Normalization

  • Spatial Smoothing

  • AROMA Regression

  • Confound Regression

  • Apply Mask

  • Resample

  • Trim Timepoints


Configuration Setup

This command requires a new configuration block - if you using an existing clpipe project, you will have to insert this json into your configuration file. Otherwise, this block will be included when running “project setup.”

"PostProcessingOptions2": {
        "WorkingDirectory": "",
        "WriteProcessGraph": true,
        "TargetImageSpace": "MNI152NLin2009cAsym",
        "TargetTasks": [],
        "TargetAcquisitions": [],
        "ProcessingSteps": [
        "ProcessingStepOptions": {
                "TemporalFiltering": {
                        "FilteringHighPass": 0.008,
                        "FilteringLowPass": -1,
                        "FilteringOrder": 2
                "IntensityNormalization": {
                        "Implementation": "10000_GlobalMedian"
                "SpatialSmoothing": {
                        "Implementation": "SUSAN",
                        "FWHM": 6
                        "Implementation": "fsl_regfilt_R"
                        "ReferenceImage": "SET REFERENCE IMAGE"
                "TrimTimepoints": {
                        "FromEnd": 0,
                        "FromBeginning": 0
                "ConfoundRegression": {
                        "Implementation": "afni_3dTproject"
        "ConfoundOptions": {
                "Columns": [
                        "csf", "csf_derivative1", "white_matter", "white_matter_derivative1"
                "MotionOutliers": {
                        "Include": true,
                        "ScrubVar": "framewise_displacement",
                        "Threshold": 0.9,
                        "ScrubAhead": 0,
                        "ScrubBehind": 0,
                        "ScrubContiguous": 0
        "BatchOptions": {
                "MemoryUsage": "20000",
                "TimeUsage": "2:0:0",
                "NThreads": "1"
  • PostProcessingOptions: Options for configuring post-fmriprep processing steps.

    • WorkingDirectory: Directory for caching intermediary processing files.

    • WriteProcessGraph: Set ‘true’ to write a processing graph alongside your output.

    • TargetImageSpace: Which space to use from your fmriprep output. This is the value that follows “space-” in the image file names.

    • TargetTasks: Which tasks to use from your fmriprep output. This is the value that follows “task-” in the image file names. Leave blank to target all tasks.

    • TargetAcquisitions: Which acquisitions to use from your fmriprep output. This is the value that follows “acq-” in the image file names. Leave blank to target all acquisitions.

    • ProcessingSteps: The default list of processing steps to use. Processing will follow the order of this list.

    • ProcessingStepOptions: The default processing options for each step.

      • TemporalFiltering: Apply temporal filtering to the image data. Also be applied to confounds.

        • Implementation: Currently limited to “fslmaths”

        • FilteringHighPass: High pass frequency for filtering. Defaults to .08 Hz. Set to -1 to remove high pass filtering.

        • FilteringLowPass: Low pass frequency for filtering. Defaults to no filter (-1). Set to -1 to remove low pass filtering.

        • FilteringOrder: Order of filter. Defaults to 2.

      • IntensityNormalization: Apply intensity normalization to the image data.

        • Implementation: Currently limited to “10000_GlobalMedian”

      • SpatialSmoothing: Apply spatial smoothing to the image data.

        • Implementation: Currently limited to “SUSAN”

        • FWHM: The size of the smoothing kernel. Specifically the full width half max of the Gaussian kernel. Scaled in millimeters.

      • AROMARegression: Regress out AROMA artifacts from the image data. Also be applied to confounds.

        • Implementation: Currently limited to “fsl_regfilt_R”

      • Resample: Resample the image into a new space.

      • TrimTimepoints: Trim timepoints from the beginning or end of an image. Also be applied to confounds.

        • FromEnd: Number of timepoints to trim from the end of each image.

        • FromBeginning: Number of timepoints to trim from the beginning of each image.

      • ConfoundRegression: Regress out the confound file values from your image. If any other processing steps are relevant to the confounds, they will be applied first.

        • Implementation: Currently limited to “afni_3dTproject”

    • ConfoundOptions: The default options to apply to the confounds files.

      • Columns: A list containing a subset of confound file columns to use from each image’s confound file.

      • MotionOutliers: Options specific to motion outliers.

        • Include: Set ‘true’ to add motion outlier spike regressors to each confound file.

        • ScrubVar: Which variable in the confounds file should be used to calculate motion outliers, defaults to framewise displacement.

        • Threshold: Threshold at which to flag a timepoint as a motion outlier, defaults to .9

        • ScrubAhead: How many time points ahead of a flagged time point should be flagged also, defaults to 0.

        • ScrubBehind: If a timepoint is scrubbed, how many points before to remove. Defaults to 0.

        • ScrubContiguous: How many good contiguous timepoints need to exist. Defaults to 0.

    • BatchOptions: The batch settings for postprocessing.

      • MemoryUsage: How much memory to allocate per job.

      • TimeUsage: How much time to allocate per job.

      • NThreads: How many threads to allocate per job.

Processing Streams Setup

By default, the output from running fmri_postprocess2 will appear in your clpipe folder at data_postproc2/smooth_filter_normalize, reflecting the defaults from PostProcessingOptions2.

However, you can utilize the power of processing streams to deploy multiple postprocessing streams. Each processing stream you define your config file’s ProcessingStreams block will create a new output folder named after the ProcessingStream setting.

Within each processing stream, you can override any of the settings in the main PostProcessingOptions2 section. For example, in the follow json snippet, the first processing stream will only pick “rest” tasks and defines its own set of processing steps. The second stream does the same thing, but specifies a filtering high pass by overriding the default value of -1 with .009.

"ProcessingStreams": [
                "ProcessingStream": "smooth_aroma-regress_filter-butterworth_normalize",
                "PostProcessingOptions": {
                        "TargetTasks": [
                        "ProcessingSteps": [
                "ProcessingStream": "smooth_aroma-regress_filter-high-only_normalize",
                "PostProcessingOptions": {
                        "TargetTasks": [
                        "ProcessingSteps": [
                        "ProcessingStepOptions": {
                                "TemporalFiltering": {
                                        "FilteringHighPass": .009

To run a specific stream, give the -processing_stream stream option of fmri_postprocess2 the name of the stream:

fmri_postprocess2 -config_file clpipe_config.json -processing_stream smooth_aroma-regress_filter-butterworth_normalize -submit